Wealthy Affiliate Review - Scam or Genuine Money Making Opportunity
The Wealthy Affiliate is a membership site that has a recurring cost of $29.00 a month, which equates to a $360 a year product, so it is going to have to deliver impressively for people to remain members. So what exactly does it have to offer for its $29?
One of the biggest misconceptions about the Wealthy Affiliate is that it is a membership site that provides keyword lists, it does, however this does not even begin to touch the surface of what your dollars get you. Whilst you remain a member you have access to a link tracking service, so that you can track how your landing pages are converting, there are web templates that you can use for landing pages, feeder sites again for using as landing pages.
I particularly found the in depth case studies provided me with an insight into starting a campaign from scratch. There are Video tutorials. The forums are a thriving community where failure is not an option, everybody helps eveybody out, the level of knowledge in the forums is second to none. I know having also been a subscriber to an alternative membership scheme prior to joining Wealthy Affiliate.
Kyle and Carson the 2 guys that setup the Wealthy Affiliate have a goal, that everybody should succeed using the methods and techniques they teach, for them it is very much a hands on roll, they post daily in the forums.But the icing on the cake has to be the private mentoring that you can get from Kyle and Carson, they will peronsally login to your adwords account and check everything for you and ensure you are on the right track to being successful.
In conclusion I would have to say that the Wealthy Affiliate is a resource that offers a great deal of information on Affiliate Mareketing. Having said that the individual has to be prepared to read through the masses of information and choose how they implement the techniques and strategies in search for online success. It will take hard work, determination and dedication to develop a profitable online business, but the Wealthy Affiliate will provide you with a solid framework to learn and build at the same time
Tony Roberts is now a full time Affiliate Marketeer after giving up full time job as an IT Consultant , for more information, check out Wealthy Affiliate Review - Scam or Genuine Money Making Opportunity
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