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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Building Your Way To Online Success Part 5

Building Your Way To Online Success Part 5

By Scott Lindsay

We’ve spent some quality time with the first two crucial elements to a successful business startup.

Here’s a recap:



With the next step we are actually only degrees of separation from Step 2: CREATE A WEBSITE. However, we will be designating a new step entitled “MARKET YOUR WEBSITE”. This new designation has the subtle distinction of moving your site from form and function to frequently visited through the use of common search engines.


If you’ve got a mental checklist going you’ve probably checked off site design, site content, and ease of use in navigation. The next item on your list is the actual launch of your website and the implementation of a comprehensive marketing campaign.

First, be sure you have determined what your most important keywords or key phrases should be. This information should include some research into what the end user is likely to select when conducting an online search. For repeat reference, keywords are the word or phrases that relate to a particular topic. Keywords or phrases are used to construct a search statement to locate information. In my previous article, I suggested that you need to add as many of these important keywords and key phrases throughout your website’s text as you can.

Before you officially launch your marketing campaign, you need to ensure that your “META TAGS” are properly constructed. A META TAG is a specific kind of HTML tag that contains information not typically displayed to the user. Meta tags are designed to contain information about the page itself, hence the name ("meta" means "about this subject"). Meta tags are a prime source search engines use to best categorize a page. The better the meta tag – the better your information will place in a search engine.

Meta Tags go between the “head” tags in your site’s html.

I suggest using these three major meta tags:


This describes your site. Be sure to use your important keywords and key phrases. Search engines will see the site title first.

META description:

Depending on the search engine, this information will generally be displayed along with the title of your page in an index. "Content" could be a word, sentence or even paragraph used to describe your page. Keep this reasonably concise and to the point. However, don't be so lean with your description that it does not adequately reflect the sites actual content!

META keywords:

Choose keywords or key phrases you deem appropriate then separate them by commas. Remember to include synonyms, Americanisms and so on. For instance, if you had a page dedicated to cars, you might want to include keywords such as car, cars, vehicles, automobiles and other similar keywords.

Each of these meta tags should be added to the html of your site between the “head” tags.

If your business provided customers with golfing equipment, you may add your meta tags as shown below:

Title: Golf equipment – Golf world golf equipment.

Notice I used Golf and golf equipment. These are the main keywords and key phrases I have chosen to target so I make sure they are included.

Once you’ve completed the above step you would use the following tag:

Use the description tag:

"Golf World, the premier site for golf equipment. Golf clubs and more!"

Once again, I used several of my most important keywords and key phrases.

The final step allows you to add your keywords meta tag:

"golf equipment, golf clubs, golf balls, golfing supply, callaway"

You may even want to add specific brand names if applicable.

Once you have these tags complete, be sure to place them between the “head” tags in your html.

If you are using a site builder such as our HighPowerSites builder tags are not required. Simply add your title, description and keywords from your site builder control panel. You will not have to deal with placing them in the site using the language of html. This user-friendly function is an asset for those who have limited to no experience with html.

Please look for Part 6 of Building Your Way to Online Success.

About the Author: Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of and many other web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes at



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